A 2G internet user really suck. You cannot download file Quickly and the most important that many user faces is, they cannot watch or listen online streaming video or audio.They cannot even watch YouTube video without buffering...
So my reader today i am giving you and awesome tricks to play video without buffering even with the speed of 30-40 KBps. You can watch live TV and also listen online Radio without buffering.
Step 1
Open run command box by pressing ctrl+r together and in the box that appear type SYSTEM.INI
Note: Your UAC or "User Account Control" should be set to "Never notify"
Step 2
Copy and paste the below line in the SYSTEM.INI and save it
page buffer=1000000Tbps
Here is the picture of SYSTEM.INI before chnaging

After Changing

Step 3)
Download this software name Speed-bits video accelerator from here Speed-bits
extract the rar file and there you will find 3 file
Speedbits video accelerator setup.
Video accelerator crack.
Instruction file.
read the Instruction and install the software. You will notice after this tricks you can watch YouTube video without buffering and also you can watch live TV and listen to online Radio.ENJoy!